Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Sixth Grade Nickname Game

I read the Sixth Grade Name Game by Gordon Korman. It's about two best friends who always hand out nick names to people in the sixth grade. I read it becuase I wanted to get a sense of a male character around my character's age group. I think this was a good choice becuase the majority of the characters in this book were male. It was written in '98 so it's a little more up to date than Are you there God? It's me Margaret. I also liked the writing tone of the book. It was very simplistic and straight forward writing. It kind of stayed with the stereotype of mischievous boys but other than that I think it gave me a great idea of a 6th grade boy. I've also started writing the book and have the first several chapters planned out. As soon as I figure out how to share that with people I'll do that.


Chelsey Tubbs said...

I think you are doing a wonderful job Katelynn! I was wondering if your characters are of the same socioeconomic status as well as racial group. If not, I could point towards books that would help, but I suggest at this time in the semester, it would be difficult and very hard to examine those contributing factors in relationships as well.

JuliaLB said...

I want to second Chelsey's suggestion. I am working in a fourth/fifth grade classroom at Wright and I always go with them to library on monday mornings. I walk around and help kids pick out books and I think it is somewhat dissapointing that so few of the most popular series, and their other choices have characters that reflect their race or even background. For example, I cannot think of one book I have seen kids with where the character is Mexican with a family who recently immigrated here, like alot of the kids in the class.