Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I started writing a little bit of my book. I'm calling it 5'10'' in a 4'0'' World. I really want to focus on the development of a girl in middle school, and the potential problem of developing early. I haven't completely come up with a plot yet, but have the basics down. Of course it is subject to change. The main character, Betsy Bergenheimer, is in the 7th grade, has matured faster than any of her friends. She's very self conscious about it, especially when her best friend, Hillary, is one of the 'perfect' bunch. Betsy is also having a problem with this maturing bit becuase she also feels she just doesn't fit in with everyone else socially. She still wishes to be a child but all of her friends are into reading cosmo and seeing what the latest fashion is.

I really want to have this book be a positive experience for young girls. I want Betsy to eventually find a place where she fits in and feels at home among her peers. I'm forseeing fights with Hillary, perhaps Hillary giving Betsy and ultimatum if she wants to be popular. Betsy does have a crush on a boy named Kyle. Not quite sure what I want to do yet with that one. I'm also going to add some things about the struggle Betsy has with the transition from child to young adult. That's basically the jist of everything so far.


Unknown said...

What about those pesky parents? Do they get a role in your narrative?

I can imagine some "scenes" and some "attitudes" at home that might elicit parental concern, not to mention parental stupidity.

Novak san said...

I love Betsy's last name! Something I was thinking about the other day, what do you think is developmentally appropriate for middle school kids to know or read in your book about sex and love. I ask because it seems to be that those kids are experienceing more at a younger age then we, or at least I did.

Liz Young said...

Hey, this is a really great topic! Could you add something in about race too? If this is about our society's ideal conception of female beauty, maybe having Betsy meet girls who aren't white, and discovering how hard it is for them to live in a world that doesn't see black/brown/yellow skin as beautiful would be really beneficial.

Chelsea Miller said...

This is a great idea, I really like it. I think it is really great because it seems that there is an extreme amount of pressure put on young girls today, especially when it comes to body image. I am very interested to see how your book turns out. Out of curiosity, I was wondering of what SES the girl in your book is. I know from my psychology classes that race and SES are factors in determining some of the pressures that young girls may go through. You might wanna do some research on that and incorporate the findings in your book (as part of your story line of course). Just an idea.

Angela said...

I think the title is great and will catch the attention of young readers. I also like the idea of having a happy ending for Betsy to give inspiration to young girls. It will be interesting how you can incorporate other issues with young girls-- morals, peer pressure, authority, etc. I think all of these topics will naturally enter in when you start writing the book. I see Betsy being a great role model for readers.